Dag Hanstorp (Sweden): Optical levitation - Studies of collision between droplets and a single drop Millikan´s experiment
Optical levitation was first demonstrated by Arthur Ashkin in 1971 when he trapped transparent particles in air using a single vertically aligned, focused laser beam. I will in this seminar present an optical levitation system...
Caslav Brukner (Vienna): Bell's theorem for temporal order
In general relativity causal relations between any pair of events is uniquely determined by locally predefined variables – the distribution of matter‐energy degrees of freedom in the events’ past light‐cone. Under the assumption...
Alexia Auffèves (France): Rebuilding quantum thermodynamics on quantum measurement
Thermodynamics relies on randomness. In classical thermodynamics, the coupling to a thermal bath induces stochastic fluctuations on the system considered: Thermodynamic irreversibility stems from such fluctuations [1], which also...
Aditya Pathak (Vienna): Small‐x Resummation from Effective Field Theory
Barak Dayan (Israel): Passive and deterministic photon-atom gates
Single-photon Raman interaction (SPRINT) is a passive, interference-based effect that creates a deterministic coupling between single photons and a 3-level quantum emitter such as a single atom. As recently demonstrated [1,2],...
Harold Steinacker (Vienna): Quantized cosmological space‐times from Yang‐Mills matrix models
We present simple solutions of IKKT‐type matrix models describing quantized homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies with finite density of microstates and a resolved Big Bang (BB). The BB arises from a signature change of the...
Kishan Dholakia UK): Let Nothing slow you down: new directions in optical manipulation
In science fiction, one is quite familiar with the idea of moving objects using laser beams, evoking concepts such as a “tractor beam”. In the laboratory science fiction turns into science fact: a powerful technique known as...
Thomas Heuser (VBCF) und Piotr T. Chrusciel (Vienna): Vorträge zum Chemie und Physik-Nobelpreis 2017
Vorträge im Rahmen der Chemisch Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Chemie-Nobelpreis 2017
Dieses Jahr erhalten drei Pioniere der Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie den Chemie Nobelpreis: Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank und Richard Henderson....
Christopher T. Sachrajda (Southampton): Electromagnetic Corrections in Lattice Simulations
4. Vorlesung im Rahmen der "Schrödinger-Gastprofessur 2017"
Sougato Bose (London): From Macroscopic Superpositions to Quantum Gravity
We will start by justifying the importance of creating ever more macroscopic quantum superpositions and the great progress already made in this arena (much of which have been made in Vienna). I will then highlight the convenience...
Universität Wien
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1090 Wien
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Do 14-16 Uhr
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